Upon starting the volunteering, I was given the (volunteer) position of data entry. I am a total and complete dork for I love data entry. How can people complain about something being so repetitive for one assignment? At least my assignments were not always the same. I was given a coalition list to do and completed it in time. I was complimented several times about my potential. Take that Mr. Bowe, Oshkosh West Hi!! LoL Upon finishing, I was roped (LoL) into phone duty. The script changed periodically. Once within a days time, but the general idea of my script was this.
"Hello. My name is Andrew, and I'm a volunteer calling on behalf of the Republican party. John McCain and Sarah palin are the only candidates with a real plan to get our economy back on track, reform Washington and wall street and lower prices for petrol and food. I would like to thank you for your time and this call was paid for by the Republican party and is authorized by McCain for President."
I find it amusing that so many people hung up on me. Two women screamed at me. The eldest of the two claimed that I was discouraging people to vote. Actaully, my dear senial ol' bat, my job is to annoy you to the point of saying, "Alright! I'm going to the polls!" In a nutshell, anyway. The youngest told me that she was already voting and had told us this already. The phone call also contained her banging on, claiming I was harrassing her. In a nutshell, I am trying to get you to exercise your American voice. The sad thing is, each person that hung up on me or slammed the door in my face was Democratic. Interesting, every single Republican was nice, curteous and appropriate or at least polite. Since then, I still do not regret working for the Republican party this year. I am not a Republican. I vote with my conscience, heart and convictions. So in 2012, I may vote Democratic. Then again, if Independant Ross Perot runs again, I may vote his way (If, bless his heart, it's still ticking). Then again, it has been politically proven that Americans would vote Independant before they would vote Republican. Which could prove significant in the argument that states that that is why Bill Clinton won both the 1992 and 1996 elections.
As I stated, I do not regret supporting McCain and Palin. I rather think Palin has spunk. She's an American, of course she doesn't know if Africa is a Country or a Continent. Our education system, yet again, needs reform. I am merely implying that some Americans are not as educated by teachers as we should be. England's Education system became better after Tony Blair took office. Don't get me started on how Her Majesty, The Queen is impartial with voting. I support President Elect Barack Obama in the sence that our President needs the support of his/her citizens (I first wanted Hillary, for the record). Also, needs our prayers for God to guide him. Obviously people stopped caring during the Bush Jr. Administration, even though, you can't really blame him everything. He is merely a head of country, much like Her Majesty, The Queen. That is all. I hope you enjoyed my political blog. Peace <3> hugs.
(I made this video b4 the election)
(I made this video b4 the election)
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